Tuesday, 5 January 2010

story board pic

brief description-establishing shot of the woods,shot- long shot,camera- high to low, sounds- birds

brief description- showing title of the film,shot-long/medium,camera-hand held, sounds-music i made

brief description-man looking around,shot-medium to close-up,camera-hand held, sounds-"hello?"

brief description-walking+looking around,shot-long,camera-panning, sounds-

brief description-panning around man,shot-close up,camera-panning, sounds-
brief description-turns around when twig snaps,shot-medium,camera-low to high, sounds-twig snaps
brief description-x-close up of his mouth,shot-close up,camera- steady , sounds- "hello?"
brief description-starts walking towards bush,shot-over shoulder,camera-high to low, sounds-
brief description-hears twig snap behind him,shot-medium,camera-, sounds-twig snaps. left speaker so it sounds like its behind you
brief description-starts leaning toward to see it,shot-medium,camera-low to high, sounds
brief description- show his eyes then open when he sees the beast,shot-ex close up,camera-, sounds-beast noise
brief description-match on action, runs away,shot-medium,camera-low to high, sounds-brief description-him running,shot-medium,camera-panning, sounds-heart beat

brief description-starts running towards cam then turns,shot-long to medium,camera-panning, sounds-heart beat
brief description-looking through beast vision,shot-medium,camera-unsteady running low to ground, sounds-beast noise 
brief description-stops looks around getting high breath back, then starts running,shot-medium,camera-steading panning, sounds-beast breath
brief description-trips over,shot-medium,camera-low, sounds-
brief description-he starts crawling backwards,shot-medium,camera-high to low, sounds-heart beat and breath
brief description-beast vision running towards him,shot-medium,camera-low to ground, sounds-beast noise
brief description-moves back and puts his hand on a stick then looks at it,shot-medium,camera-high to low, sounds-heart beat- breaths
brief description-show him looking at the stick,shot-close up,camera-over shoulder, sounds-heart beat -breaths
brief description-runs around the corner to see the boy,shot-medium,camera-low, sounds-heart beat
brief description-boy swings stick towards beast then drop camera on side,shot-medium/close up,camera-low , sounds-beast/ noise of stick hitting
brief description-beast is on its side while man gets up and runs away,shot-,medium,camera-rotation to side, sounds-
brief description-out of breath,shot-medium,camera-low to high, sounds-breath/"help"
brief description-beast gets up,shot-medium,camera-rotate, sounds-
brief description-high to low when he hears the beast/looks shocked/ starts to run,shot-medium,camera-high to low, sounds-beast/heartbeat/breath
brief description-running through woods/beast vision,shot-medium,camera-low, sounds-twig snaps
brief description-runs past a hole and looks around then sees the hole,shot-long/medium shot,camera-high to low, sounds-heartbeat/breath
brief description-beast vision/running,shot-medium ,camera-low, sounds-beast
brief description-he hides in the hole,shot-close up,camera-high to low, sounds-twig snaps
brief description-walks in front of man but does not see him,shot-medium,camera-, sounds-
brief description-scared/shocked,shot-close up,camera-, sounds-heartbeat
brief description-it turns and sees him then growls,shot-medium,camera-low/panning, sounds-growls
brief description-wakes up/ gasps,shot-2 shot,camera-, sounds-"you ok?"
brief description-looking around ,shot-close up,camera-, sounds-"uhh ye"

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